Aceh, After

The city of Lhokseumawe in Indonesia has been socially and culturally defined by the extraction of natural gas. The film shows the impact of the dismantling of the extraction district on the population

21 Mar 2021

The 30th African, Asian and Latin American Film Festival – FESCAAAL will be held entirely online. 9 days of screenings on and meetings with authors, special events and in-depth coverage on our Facebook and YouTube channels and on Zoom platform, for an entirely digital programme.

During the festival, the film will be available on demand from 21 to 28 March.

Aceh, After

The city of Lhokseumawe (Aceh, Indonesia) has been socially and culturally defined by the extraction of natural gas. The film shows the impact of the dismantling of the extraction district on the population and, in a multi-faceted and intimate way, also the acceptance of the industrialization process in the area.



Silvia Vignato | Italy, Indonesia | 2020 | 44'



21 Mar 2021 - 2:00 PM
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21 Mar 2021 - 6:00 PM
Since 2017 Africa Talks explores trends and opportunities that are revolutionizing various sectors in Africa, to actively contribute to the continent's future economic development



21 Mar 2023 - 5:00 PM
Extr'A Competition
With Francesco Crespi (producer of Eroica), Giuliano Cipollone (screenwriter of Battima) and Matteo Sandrini (co-director of Oltre i bordi)
24 Mar 2023 - 9:00 PM
“Windows on the World” Feature Film Competition
25 Mar 2023 - 8:30 PM
The award ceremony of the 32th edition of FESCAAAL. Afterwards, the closing film from the Flash Section
21 Mar 2023 - 7:00 PM
Extr'A Competition
20 Mar 2023 - 9:15 PM
"Windows on the World" Feature Film Competition
21 Mar 2023 - 6:00 PM
Our traditional tea time to chat with guests and friends of the Festival
With Amarsaikhan Baljinnyam e Uran Sainbileg (director and producer of Harvest Moon); Matteo Sandrini (co-director of Beyond the Frame); Tiziana Bergamaschi (director of Tell Me a Tale - A Comeback Journey); Giuliano Cipollone (screenwriter of Battima)