

fescaaal2024_20240511_san fedele_cerimonia premiazione_lisa pigozzi 51
All the Official and Special Awards of the 33rd African, Asian and Latin American Film Festival
11 May 2024
fescaaal2024_20240511_san fedele_cerimonia premiazione_lisa pigozzi 13
All the Awards assigned by the Juries and the audience of the 4th MiWorld Young Film Festival
11 May 2024
NEWS FESCAAAL_Omaggio a Lav Diaz
One masterclass and a screening program From Sunday, May 5th at Cinema Godard
2 May 2024
L'edizione numero 33 del FESCAAAL si terrà dal 3 al 12 maggio 2024, in sala e online
29 Feb 2024
FESCAAAL_call for entries 2024
Open Call to present films to the next edition of the African, Asian and Latin American FF of Milano (May, 3-12)
22 Jan 2024
NEWS FESCAAAL_Omaggio a Lav Diaz
One masterclass and a screening program From Sunday, May 5th at Cinema Godard
2 May 2024
L'edizione numero 33 del FESCAAAL si terrà dal 3 al 12 maggio 2024, in sala e online
29 Feb 2024
FESCAAAL_call for entries 2024
Open Call to present films to the next edition of the African, Asian and Latin American FF of Milano (May, 3-12)
22 Jan 2024
fescaaal_vincitori 32 fescaaal_copertina
All the Official and Special Awards of the 31st African, Asian and Latin American Film Festival
25 Mar 2023

