Welcome to the new website :)

Welcome to the new website :)

We’re very happy to welcome you on the new home of FESCAAAL and MiWY!

Welcome everybody to the new website of the African, Asia and Latin America Film Festival! These pages will be the place to get to know the prismatic reality of FESCAAAL at 360°, the first and only Festival in Italy dedicated to the 3 continents in all its nuances.

In this festive year that celebrates an important anniversary in which FESCAAAL blows-out 30 candles, this is a gift for this special edition to tell you about the approaching edition and world news on the cinematographic culture of Africa, Asia and Latin America.

It coincides with a complicated and suspended period, but also wants to be an opportunity for reflecting on the initial mission of the Festival: promoting knowledge of the cinematography of the 3 continents to contribute to increase the cultural diversity of cinematographic offer in Italy, as a development factor and source of intercultural exchange, innovation and creativity.

Therefore, there could not have been a better time to welcome you here, in a completely new virtual space where you can learn about our history and follow the Festival and all the activities, a space dedicated to our public, the ones who have always loved us and the ones who’ve yet to meet us, but also to the journalists and professionals who follow us.

This new site also gave us the opportunity to pay more attention to the MiWorld Young Film Festival – MiWYa project that is very close to our hearts, the first and only film and interculture festival for schools, this year in its second edition that will see the participation of students and teachers from all over Italy who, from the 15th to the 28th March 2021 will discover the beauty of diversity through the cultures of Africa, Asia and Latin America

The next edition of FESCAAAL is about to arrive, it’ll take place from the 20th to the 28th of March 2021 with 9 days of online screenings on MyMovies.it, many meetings with remote authors and many small surprises. Here, almost everything is ready, only you are missing! Happy surfing!



11 May 2024
22 Jan 2024