Ide Maman

Ide Maman
Maman Ide, born in Zinder (Niger), arrived in Italy in 2011 as an asylum-seeker. In 2013 he founded Tamburi di Mantova and the Black Afrique Fluxus Ensemble, a group of percussionists engaged through an activity of African music and dances in awareness-raising campaigns on the condition of asylum-seekers in Italy. In 2016 he wrote a story set in Africa, "Yaron Daggi", which was staged by the Teatro All’improvviso directed by the director Dario Moretti as part of the Festival of Literature in mantua in 2016. In 2018 he produced the show “Lo Stregone” with the company Strix he himself directed and made up of asylum-seekers. In documentary cinema, in 2012 he produced the investigation Caporalato e raccolta dei pomodori on the exploitation of immigrants in Puglia, in 2018 Coltiviamo il futuro on an experience of social farming in Mantua. In September 2019 during the festival of Literature of Mantua he had a photography exhibition accompanied by the video Sui miei passi curated by Studiottantuno di Manuela Zanelli.
2020 – I poveri dimenticano, sf (doc)


Ide Maman | Italy, Niger | 2019 | 30'