Francesco Clerici

fescaaal_regista_Francesco Clerici
Hand Gestures was presented at the Berlinale in 2015, where it won the FIPRESCI prize. His works, which include films in augmented reality, short films, books, experimental and documentary films, have been presented around the world such as Busan International film festival, London Film Festival, Viennale, RIDM, Dok.fest, Leipzig, Berlinale, Sarajevo film festival and in venues such as National Gallery of Art in Washington, BFI, Cineteca Mexicana, Cinemateca Uruguayana, Documentary Cinema Center in Moscow, ICA, Barbican, MART in Rovereto, Palazzo Reale in Milan. In 2018, the Grenoble cinemateque dedicated a retrospective to his work.
2022 – La paz del futuro, ff
2022 – Enrico Cattaneo. Rumore Bianco, sf
2020 – 米 (Mî), sf
2018 – Memoria del fuego, sf
2017 – Handle with Care, ff
2017– Gillo Dorfles. In un bicchier d’acqua, sf
2017 – Giancarlo Vitali: Time Out, sf
2015– Hand Gestures, ff


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