Christian Carmosino Mereu

Christian Carmosino Mereu

fescaaal_regista_Christian Carmosino Mereu
Christian Carmosino Mereu is a director, producer, lecturer and cultural operator who has been active in Europe and Africa for over twenty-five years. He has been the artistic director of documentary film festivals and exhibitions including [CINEMA.DOC], Doc/it Professional Award and The Documentary Month. Since 2022 he has been artistic director of the Rome International Documentary Festival and since 2006 technical supervisor of the Audio-visual Production Centre of Roma Tre University, coordinator of the Master’s course in Documentary Cinema and lecturer of the Documentary Cinema Workshop.
2022 – Land of Upright People, ff
2021 – Une Famille,ff
2020 – Briser les Chaînes – Sam’sk Lejah on tour, ff
2019 – Kobarid, ff
2016 – La lunga strada gialla, ff
2015 – Pieds Nus, ff
2013– Segni particolari: documentarista, ff
2008 – L’ora d’amore, ff
2007 – Gli Invisibili – Esordi nel cinema Italiano 2000-2006, ff
2007 – La zuppa di pietra. sf


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